Below you will find asynchronous code in action! As a NodeJS developer it is important to learn the Node File System.
'use strict'; // prevents many common coding mistakes
var fs = require('fs'); // file system
// String: name/location of the file
var file = 'cherry.json';
// Object: data to place in file
var data = {name: 'Candy',
title: 'Commander'}
// Asynchronous Function: Make a File
fs.writeFile(file, JSON.stringify(data), function (err) {
if (err) {
throw err;
else {
console.log(file + ' Saved!')
// Asynchronous Function: Read a File
fs.readFile(file,function (err, data) {
if (err) throw err;
else {
var object = JSON.parse(data);
➼ require filesystem
- You need this line to use the fs.file functions.
➼ file
The varible file
holds the ➼ location
where we want the file saved. In this case
the file is called ➼ cherry.json and saved in the same directory.
➼ data
This variable is an object. It holds ➼ data that we want to put into cherry.json.
➼ fs.writeFile
Function to make the file ➼ cherry.json. If there is an err, it will log it. Otherwise
it will save the file and log ➼"cherry.json saved."
➼ fs.readFile
This is a function that reads a json file, ➼ parses it into an object and ➼ logs it. In this example
it would log ➼"{ name: 'Candy',
title: 'Commander'}"