I want to keep the changes I made to cherry.JSON. Let's edit our fileMaker.js.
Let's edit fileMaker.js
to take command line input to determine file location. Instead
of hardcoding 'var file = 'cherry.json', we will enter a value for file on the command line. The new file
will look like this:
var fs = require('fs'); // file system
'use strict'; // prevents many common coding mistakes
const readline = require('readline');
// Command Line Interface
const rl = readline.createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout
// JavaScript Object
var data = { name: 'Candy',
title: 'Commander'};
// Command Line Prompt: enter file location
rl.question('Good day sir! What file location would you like for your JSON file?', function(file) {
/* write file, with the file location (command line input)
passed in */
fs.writeFile(file, JSON.stringify(data), function (err) {
if (err) throw err; // if error, return error
else { // if sucessful
// Display message in terminal
console.log(`Thank you for using me today! Hope to see you again soon! File: ${file} saved!`);
// read the file just created
fs.readFile(file,function (err, data) {
if (err) throw err; // if error, return error
else { // if sucessful
var object = JSON.parse(data); // JSON string -> JS Object
console.log(object); // print
Save the updated fileMaker.js and exit vim. esc to command mode then ZZ
Now edit the file maker, so the user enters:
1) File Location
2) File Data
If you have any questions about the homework, Tweet me! Make sure to upload your code to GitHub or GitLab, so you can include the link.