What is Gänseblümchen? It is the super awesome role play
battle card game that I am creating live on Twitch! Wanna
join my Gänseblümchen team?
Join Commander Candy!
✶ Learn Complex Logic
✶ Help Develop a Role Play Battle Card Game
✶ Learn Godot Game Engine (GDScript)
✶ Experience Linux (Ubuntu) Open Source Creative Software
Commander Candy tells the game's backstory through creative and humorous cartoons. A special thanks to Hatnix and murks for providing voice acting and inspiration to the animated series. Check out what we have done so far and don't forget to subscribe to Coding Commanders YouTube to stay up-to-date!
Using vanilla JavaScript and SQL, orginally Gänseblümchen was written as a web browser game. Recently Commander Candy decided to switch it to Godot Game Engine. The existing logic is being re-written in Godot's GDScript (Live on Twitch). GDScript is a scripting lanuage that is very simular to Python.
Some of the old JavaScript code is still made avilable to you, along with JavaScript and SQL tutorials. The Godot code + tutorials will be made avilable to you as it is completed. For early access, please donate via DonorBox or Subscribe to Coding Commanders Twitch (daisychaincosplay). Introdution to Godot - Unit 1 was just realeased to the public! Corresponding Videos will publiclly be released about once a week.
Each battle card repersents a specific character. There are several races and classes used. A character's class define's his skill set. There are 6 skills in a skill set and each skill is scored 1-20.
A card's skill set determines its offensive points, defensive points, and healing ability. If two cards battle, each card's defensive points will reduce by the amount of its opponent's offensive points. Once a card runs out of defensive points it will die. If a card has healing points, that card (plus any of its friends present on the battle field) will have defensive points equal to its healing points added. These calculations take place every round of battle.
Defensive Points equal [(Strength + Dexterity + Diplomacy) * ((intelligence * .04) + 1) * ((spirituality * .05) + 1)] / 5
Offensive points equal [(Strength + Dexterity + Brutality - Diplomacy) * ((intelligence * .01) + 1) * (spirituality * .015) + 1) ] / 5
If (spirituality - brutality) is greater than 10, a card has the power to heal. Its healing poiints will equal (spirituality - brutality) / 5
The main church in our game is named "Kirche hat Nix". In German that means "church has nothing". I named our church after the great Linux gaming streamer.