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Commander Candy Q&A

October 2, 2017: About Commander Candy

In this blog post, I answer the questions (about me) asked on my Facebook: Coding Commanders Facebook

#1 Question: Were you always interested in web development or did this come later on?

I first got interested in computer programming when I was in about the 4th grade. My father, a computer science professor, taught me Basic. My first application was a choose your own adventure game.

In college my father advised me to take web development and database classes. I ended up getting a Masters in Economics. I still took computer science courses, preparing to combine economics and programming.

I ended up getting married and having a baby a couple years after grad school. My work experience is very varied, but I tend to work for myself. I don’t like working for the man.

In short, I have had on and off interest in computer programming since childhood, but most of my programming experience is in web development.

Logic and algorithms are my passion. That has been a constant throughout my life.

Grad school Candy in Brazil

#2 What is your background?

I think I answered this some in question #1.

I have a very varied background. As mentioned, I have a Masters in Economics, but my education is very varied. I have also had a wide variety of work experience.

I am a nice Jewish girl from South Florida. I live in my hometown, on an island just off the coast.

#3 How did you get into cosplay?

Well, to start I have always been a fun person :p I started sewing in middle school and always loved dressing up for Halloween && Purim.

My son was really into superheroes, video games and costumes. I would make us costumes and we would ‘play superheros’. One year I took him to a convention. He choose to be Bane, so I was Arkham Harley Quinn.

ThinkGeek does Batman!

Everyone was complimenting my costume and telling me I make a great Harley! My brother-in-law (Florida Geek Scene) told Me I should do a photoshoot as Arkham Harley. A couple weeks prior I met Fred Staten, a popular Mississippi photographer. He agreed to do the shoot!

To be honest, I had no idea what was going on, but I am the kind of person who just goes with the flow. People enjoyed seeing my pictures and conventions started contacting me.

Although making costumes and playing dress-up was a long time passion of mine, I did not know anything about the cosplay community when I first joined it. I had no idea there was a whole community of chill, fun open-minded people just looking to have a good time. I fit in great!

Life happened and I kind of disappeared from the scene for a while. However, I am working on 2 costumes at the moment and look forward to attending a couple cons this year.

My first con:

Batman: Arkham Asylum
My first shoot:

Photo Credit (Arkham Harley & Beach Batgirl):
Fred Staten

#4 Other than The Dead Milkmen, what are some of your favorite bands?

Here are some of my favorite bands:
  1. Slipknot
  2. Led Zeppelin
  3. System of a Down
  4. Jimi Hendrix
  5. Nicki Minaj
  6. Minor Threat
  7. Korn
  8. Metallica
  9. They Might Be Giants
  10. Rihanna
Big Lizard in my Backyard (Dead Milkmen):
Dead Milkmen: Big Lizzard in my Backyard

#5 How long did it take you to become comfortable with a server-side lanuage?

There are 2 answers to this question:
1) I was always comfortable
2) I will let you know when I get there :p

I am a pretty confident person, but I know programming is a lifelong journey. There is still so much to learn!

Ivacy VPN

Commander Candy: South Florida Programmer

#6 If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

I would go to a tropical island in the Pacific with mountains and beaches. I’ll take any destination that meets those specifications. I have never been to a tropical island in the Pacific and I love tropical islands, new places and mountains.

Commander Candy goes to the Bahamas
All girls trip to the Bahamas (the guy just randomly jumped in the photo:p We do not know him)

#7 What character do you wish you could cosplay, but can’t due to low funds or being too complicated?

I would really like to do She-Hulk. When I was a kid she was my favorite and I think it would be funny becaause I’m 4’11”. (She is 6’7”)

I have too much going on at the moment to arrange a body painter and photographer. If I do She-Hulk, it gotta be body paint?

Ivy Cosplay as She-Hulk
Ivy Cosplay as She Hulk
Model: Ivy Cosplay
Photographer: MC Illusion Photography

#8 I have read that you are a cosplayer, what characters have you played?

Here are some of the characters I have done:
  1. Harley Quinn (many versions)

  2. Slave Leia

  3. Borderlands Psycho
    Commander Candy's Borderlands Psycho Cosplay
    Photographer: MC Illusion Photography

  4. Vampirella

  5. Lady Deadpool
    Commander Candy as Lady Deadpool
    Photographer: MC Illusion Photography

  6. Misty (Pokemon)

  7. Zombie Tramp

  8. Wyldstyle (Lego Movie)

  9. Jessica Rabbit
  10. Jessica Rabbit Cosplay by Commander Candy
    Photographer: BN Photography

  11. Batgirl

  12. Wonder Woman

  13. Poison Ivy

#9 Besides the obvious what other hobbies do you enjoy? / What do you do for leisure?

I like making baked goods and taking long walks on the beach. I also like programming meetups and events.

#10 Is 11 your favorite Doctor?

Yes, 11 is my favorite Doctor. Bowties are cool.

Have any follow up questions? Comment on my social media:


Robyn Silber
April Wensel
Milly Berst