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Loops execute code for a specified number of iterations. There are two types of GDScript loops:
For loops execute code for a given number of iteration, within a specified range. Each time the same code executes it is called an iteration.
For loops are commonly used to loop through arrays and dictionaries. Let's look at some code examples.
Mouse Hover over the ➼ yellow text in the description to highlight the code.
extends Node
# Declare Array
var paladinSkills = [20,5,15,18,5,10]
# Declare totalskill
var totalskill = 0
func _ready():
# Loop through paladinSkills
for skill in paladinSkills:
# add up the sum of all skill scores
totalskill += skill
# print the skill score sum
print (totalskill)
➼ Declare paladinSkills - Declare an array called paladinSkills which holds a set of skill scores.
➼ Declare totalskills - We are declaring a variable named totalskills and intializing it at zero.
➼ for - keyword indicating a for loop begins!
➼ skill - The variable name we are giving to the current array item.
➼ paladinSkills - The array we are looping through
➼ totalskills += skill - We are adding the current array item's value to totalskills. When the loop ends, totalskills will equal the sum of all the array's skill scores.
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extends Node
# Declare Dictionary
var player = {"name": "sud0gh0st", "highscore": 666, "email": "demon@gmail.com"}
func _ready():
# loop through player dictionary
for prop in player:
# print current dictionary item
print (prop)
➼ Declare player - We declare our player dictionary
➼ for - keyword indicating that our for loop begins!
➼ prop - Variable name for the current dictionary item
➼ player - The name of the dictionary we are looping through.
➼ print (prop) - print the current dictionary item
** Debug Process Started ** OpenGL ES 2.0 Renderer: Mesa DRI Intel(R) UHD Graphics 620 (Kabylake GT2) name highscore email ** Debug Process Stopped **
# Declare Variable
var animal = "zebra"
func _ready():
# Loop through string variable named animal
for l in animal:
print (l)
** Debug Process Started ** OpenGL ES 2.0 Renderer: Mesa DRI Intel(R) UHD Graphics 620 (Kabylake GT2) z e b r a ** Debug Process Stopped **
When you loop through a numerical range, by default the range starts at 0 and contimues until the specified number minus one.
for n in range(7):
print (n)
** Debug Process Started ** OpenGL ES 2.0 Renderer: Mesa DRI Intel(R) UHD Graphics 620 (Kabylake GT2) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 ** Debug Process Stopped **
If you don't want the loop to start at 0, you can add an aditional parameter indicating where the loop should start.
for n in range(3,7):
print (n)
** Debug Process Started ** OpenGL ES 2.0 Renderer: Mesa DRI Intel(R) UHD Graphics 620 (Kabylake GT2) 3 4 5 6 ** Debug Process Stopped **
You can add a third parameter to change how the itierations step over numbers in your range.
for n in range(10,2,-2):
print (n)
** Debug Process Started ** OpenGL ES 2.0 Renderer: Mesa DRI Intel(R) UHD Graphics 620 (Kabylake GT2) 10 8 6 4 ** Debug Process Stopped **
While loops repeat code as long as a condition is satisfied. Let's look at an example!
The player fights a zombie. The zombie starts with 30 hit points. The player continuously attacks the zombie until the zombie dies (when he runs out of hit points).
Every time the player attacks, the zombie looses 10 hit points.
extends Node
# Initalize Zombie's Hit Points at 30
var zombie_hitpoints = 30
# Function to simulate an attack
func attack_zombie(attack_points):
zombie_hitpoints -= attack_points
func _ready():
# While the Zombie has hit points
while zombie_hitpoints > 0:
# Attack with 10 point attack
# Print the zombie's remaining hit points
print (zombie_hitpoints)
➼ zombie_hitpoints - Declare zombie_hitpoints and intialize it at 30 points
➼ attack_zombie - Declare a function named attack_zombie that takes in the number of attack points. I am calling the zombie's loss of hitpoints "attack_points"
➼ Function Code - When this function is called the number of attack_points will be subtracted from the zombie's hit points.
➼ while - Keyword indicating the start of a while loop
➼ loop condtion - While the zombie has hitpoints, keep repeating the loop's code
➼ loop code - Call the attack_zombie function, then print the zombie's remaining hit points.
** Debug Process Started ** OpenGL ES 2.0 Renderer: Mesa DRI Intel(R) UHD Graphics 620 (Kabylake GT2) 20 10 0 ** Debug Process Stopped **