In this lesson we will learn about React VR events.
Everything I know about Virtual Reality programming, I learned from Praveen, BocaJS and Google!
When creating a Virtual Reality application, your code has to acount for multiple devices. React VR allows one event handler to handle multiple devices (e.g. mouse on PC or gaze on cardboard headsets). Events occur in relation to the cursor's position.
onEnter happens when the curser first touches a component.
onEnter={() => this.setState({radius: 1})}
onExit happens when the curser is no longer touching the component.
onExit={() => this.setState({radius: .5})}
To practice event handeling, I am going to make another spaceship. The spaceship will get bigger onEnter and go back to its inital size onExit. We will start with the code below:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { AppRegistry, asset, Pano, View} from 'react-vr';
export default class Basics extends Component {
render() {
return (
<Pano source={asset('space-sky.jpg')}></Pano>
AppRegistry.registerComponent('Basics',() => Basics);
I am making my spaceship out of a sphere, so I have to import the "sphere" component.
import { AppRegistry, asset, Pano, View, Sphere } from 'react-vr';
➼ Sphere
- (spaceship)
Next, I will make a spaceship and add it to the view.
<Pano source={asset('space-sky.jpg')}></Pano>
transform: [
{translate: [0, -1, -3]},
{rotateX: 45},
{rotateY: 90},
{rotateZ: 90},
➼ Spaceship Code
See 3D Primitives
and Transform
Next we will add a constructor. Inside the constructor we will initialize state. We will set radius equal to .5. This will be the radius of our sphere (spaceship).
// constructor
constructor() {
this.state = {
radius: .5
➼ constructor
Here is our constructor.
➼ super()
super must be called before using this
➼ this.state
initalizing state
➼ radius
radius equal to .5
Now, we will edited our spaceship (sphere) code.
onEnter={() => this.setState({radius: 1})}
onExit={() => this.setState({radius: .5})}
➼ onEnter
When the cursor touches the spaceship, its radius will equal 1.
➼ onExit
Once the cursor is no longer touching the spaceship, its radius will go back to .5
➼ radius
The radius of the sphere is equal to this.state.radius, which we intialized at .5.
You should see something like this:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { AppRegistry, asset, Pano, View, Sphere } from 'react-vr';
export default class Basics extends Component {
// constructor
constructor() {
this.state = {
// spaceship radius
radius: .5
render() {
return (
<Pano source={asset('space-sky.jpg')}></Pano>
onEnter={() => this.setState({radius: 1})}
onExit={() => this.setState({radius: .5})}
transform: [
{translate: [0, -1, -3]},
{rotateX: 45},
{rotateY: 90},
{rotateZ: 90},
AppRegistry.registerComponent('Basics',() => Basics);